Kittens and Puppies

 Flea and Heartworm Prevention

Puppies can start flea and heart worm prevention at 8 weeks, and can be given heart worm tests starting at 6 months of age. Kittens can start flea and heart worm prevention as early as 6 weeks of age. In order to receive flea and heart worm prevention, your pet has to have had an exam and heart worm test with us within the past year.

Pro-Heart Injections

Pro-Heart is a six month heart worm preventative injection. Pro-heart injections are given at 6 months of age, and your pet must be at least 11 pounds.

If you would like more information on vaccinations, such as what specific diseases they prevent, check out our vaccinations page!

Puppy Vaccines and Deworming

Puppies are typically vaccinated and dewormed on a schedule, starting at 2 weeks of age and ending at 4 months of age.

Our recommended vaccination/deworming schedule for puppies is as follows:

2 weeks


4 weeks


6 weeks

deworming, DHPP

8 weeks

DHLPP and Bordatella

10 weeks

DHLPP and Bordatella boosters

12 weeks


4 months



Kitten Vaccines and Deworming

Kittens are typically vaccinated and dewormed on a schedule, starting at 2 weeks of age and ending at 4 months of age



Our recommended vaccination/deworming schedule for kittens is as follows:

2 weeks


4 weeks


6 weeks

deworming, FVRCP

8 weeks

deworming, FVRCP booster

10 weeks

FVRCP booster, Feline Leukemia vaccine (optional, but recommended for outdoor cats)

12 weeks

FVRCP booster

4 months

Rabies, Feline Leukemia testing (optional, but recommended for outdoor cats)

Vaccinating and Deworming Litters

We offer special bundle prices for clients with new born litters needing to start the vaccinating and deworming process. To find out more about these offers, call us at 904-388-3494.
